Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Saturday, May 27th, 1882

Saturday. May 27th. Fayal Hotel Horta.
Played Whist and read and wrote our final home letters and loafed. In the middle of the afternoon we rec’d an informal note directive to Mrs Lee, insisting Mrs & Mr L, Miss Smith & I to tea at 8 o’c. We were delighted to go and had a lovely time. They gave us a very simple tea, some fish nicely cooked, biscuits & butter, tea, two kinds of preservers and cake. Miss Alice Dabney talked a great deal about Mrs Sam Dinsmore, with whom she made a long passage to America several years ago. Then I had a long conversation with Mrs Dabney who nearly frightened me to death by referring to the circumstances which made them come to the Azores to live. She told me a great deal about their family life here, their relatives and their life when in America. They had a number of views, taken by English men of the Canaries, Madeira and Azores and we had a very amusing time over a English-Portuguese phrase book which was evidently compiled by a Frenchman. Some of the sentences, equally had in Portuguese or English, were too funny to be believed written as serious. I remember one of the proverbs – “Take time by the forclock” was written “Take the occasion for the hairs.” We had a great time rousing Antonio to let us in when we got home. He was very grumpy. Mr Sanisberry gave us a treat of wine, nespras and cake.

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