Thursday, May 7, 2015

Sunday, May 7th, 1882

Sunday May 7th At Sea.
We made splendid time last night - another lovely day, the air more mild than we have had before. Miss Smith & I stayed in our berths talking until nearly 11 o'c. Grace visiting us half a doz. times mean while to try to route us out. As usual she was in search of some thing to eat and afraid to ask for it. The Cap't has scolded her cruelly on the banana question but we [?] Louis and finally secured some apples. The Cap't scolded her last night for being out so late. She makes a victim of herself. A long argument on the relations of American & Portuguese money - from Mr Phillips to Cap't every body talked but no one could find a satisfactory basis. All sorts of pranks and yards in the waist. Plum duff for dinner. In the afternoon I read Shadow of the Sword on top of the house and had a long talk with Mr Phillips. Cap't says we have made 235 miles in last 24 hours.

Mr Adams told us in such a simple, feeling German of the romance of his life. He was young, Franz Franenknecht in the German navy. His sweet heart lived where the fleet was stationed. The ferry boat stopped running at 12 o'c every night, but he was not ready to leave the fair one at that time so he had to tie his clothes to the top of his head and swim back to his ship. Finally he left the navy and came to America saying he would be back in three months - but he returned suddenly and going to the house of his sweet heart found she had gone to the theatre with another young man. Her sister told Franz that she had been flirting but he did not care until on her coming back he found that she was without her engagement ring. He hardly greeted her on meeting and she entreated him to explain his coldness. He asked where her ring was. She told him it was in her trunk. He asked for it but she would not give it to him. He would not believe it was there until he saw it so she brought it forth and he took it - left her house and taking off the ring she had given him went to the river bank, tied them together and threw them in. She had followed him and tried to jump in saying she would follow the rings - but he caught her and took her home. Then he left the country and has been at sea ever since wandering from one land to another. She waited for him three years - then married the other man who is now an invalid and the last letters he had from his mother she wrote that his old sweetheart had come to her crying, full of unhappiness and declared that she still loves Franz and would marry him yet. All this happened ten years ago. We saw her picture, a fresh pretty German face. He has the first two letters she ever wrote to him. He was going to leave the sea, and settle at home in Steten if he married her but now he wanders - We asked him many questions about her which he answered very touchingly. Sometimes he said he regretted it - sometimes he was glad - but he never could marry her now even if her husband dies. She was his "only sweet-heart". He has never had another. Some days when he is blue he talks of her - His simple, true way of talking of her is the most pathetic thing.

A school of porpoises!

We watch the phosphorescence from the stern until late in the evening and then sang hymns in the Captains room - The days & nights are very damp so that everything one wears is wet and my gloves are soaked all the time. Everything sticks and the bed linen is always damp.

Rev. J. Lee - lungs Canadaigua, N.Y.
Mrs Lee - To take care of her husband Canandaigua, N.Y.
Emily Smith - Eyes Canandaigua, N.Y.
Grace Cabot - Spine Brattleboro, Vt
Mrs L.T. Cabot - To take care of Grace, Brattleboro, Vt
Mary R. Cabot - Love Brattleboro, Vt
Dr. Robertson - Dissipated Boston, Mass.
Mrs Robertson - To take care of husband Boston, Mass.
Mr Phillips - Bright's Disease Cheyenne, W. Terr.
Mr. Taylor - Lungs Boston Mass.
Mr Kent - Lungs Exeter, N.H.
Mr Wallach - Molaria [sic] Washington, D.C.
Mr Unshaven Bicknell - Dissipated Brockton, Mass.
Mr Shaven Bicknell - To take care of his brother Brockton, Mass.
Mr Townsend - Fun Boston, Mass.

Going Home All from St Michaels
Mr Jacob Bensaude To take care of his son
Mr Moses[?] Bensaude Lungs
Mrs Niemeyers To get away from St Michaels
Miss Niemeyers Ditto "The S[?]"
Miss Mamiee Niemeyers Ditto, The Capt's favorite
Miss Clara Niemeyers Ditto, "Clara" "The Baby"
Mr Noel Everingham Sainsbury - Terceira to Fayal

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